Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Something to think about....

At the end of this year the Bush Administration's tax cuts expire, with no hope of being extended by the current administration.  So what then?  There are people out there that are crazy enough to think that just because these corporations are going to have to start paying full taxes again, that our economy will bounce back and the government's national deficit will be reduced.  Not hardly.  Here is what is going to happen.  These businesses, having to pay out more money, are going to start holding onto any revenue, and start making preparations to maintain their current profit margin.  What does this mean for the average American?  Well there is going to be no money to create new jobs, hire new people, or offer better health insurance. This state of suspension, or frozen spending trend, will continue until the economy bounces back.  When will that be?  Will our economy even have a chance if all of the major corporations go into "self preservation" mode?  I am only one person but I really can't see more taxes helping matters.  Government is no different than any other average American household.  If you have a budget, and you only have so much money to work with, then what happens when you go over your budget?  You either go into debt, or you cut spending.  Or government needs to do the latter.

Take a look back in history.What was the major driving force in our separation from England?  Was it not high taxes with little or no representation?  Is this not what we have going on in our government presently?  Still sceptical?  Here are just a few examples.  The American people (according to recent polls) sided with Arizona on tightening our immigration laws.  So what does the Federal Government do?  They sue Arizona to have their new immigration laws repealed.  How is this fair representation?  Another example.  California voted to not allow same sex marriage stating that marriage was a right for only those of the opposite sex.  The people voted no!  Now what happens?  A Supreme Court judge (homosexual at that) decided that their opinion mattered more than the people that reside there, and declared the proposition unconstitutional.  Is this fair representation as well?  And my last example.  Popular vote showed that the American people as a majority, were against the new health care deform legislation.  We all know how that turned out.  This is by far, not a representation of the nations wishes.  Those in the Federal Government are our servants.  We elect them into office to represent our wishes.  Instead we are treated as a parent treats a child, and told what is best for us.  I think it is high time that we let our elected officials know what we want and that it is time they start doing what they were hired for.  In the private sector if you are hired, and do not perform then what happens?  You are replaced!  Perhaps it is time for the government to remember that.

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