Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Ok...Now I was all set up to have a good day and spend a little time writing about the NAACP.  That was all changed when I went to Neil Bortz website and watched a clip from Fox News.  It seems our Great Ruler has decided that it was a good idea to report to the UN that the American people's aversion to unionization, is a civil rights violation.  Ok.....moonbat syndrome anyone?  Here is the problem with all of this.  The people do not want to pay for a group of people to protect our rights as workers.  Is this not what we pay taxes for?  Isn't the government supposed to protect our rights?  So here we are with another attempt at the Left to delegate responsibility and take the fallout away from the Democrats.  In other words the Left wants someone to blame when things go wrong.  Do you think this is right?  Fair?  I imagine you would if you are one of those government leaches out there. 

Here is the problem I am having.  The leader of this country is supposed to represent the ENTIRE population of the US.  Instead here is a ruler that instead of manning up and taking action against the problem, he acts like a spoiled child.  He met opposition, and ran off to tell his mommy (The UN) that the bad people are keeping him from doing what he wants.  So now where are we at?  A laughing stock of the world.  Our fearless ruler has yet again done something stupid.  I can't wait to see what the NAACP and the ACLU have to say about this one.

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