Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Long time since I posted....

I know it has been a long time since I posted but here we go.  Can someone out there please tell me why the NAACP is so hell bent on saying that the Tea Party is nothing but racist?  They have used the race card for so long that it has lost all of it's effect.  Here is my take on this.  The NAACP is what is wrong with this country.  If it wern't for people like them I think there wouldn't be nearly as many race issues.  What is the mission of the NAACP?  Here it is taken directly from their website.

So here it is with my take on it written in red.

The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.

Vision Statement

The vision of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights without discrimination based on race. If this is what they are all about then why do we have these pople outand about spewing hate filled speech?  With everything that is out there regarding them, and their acts, it seems to me that they are propagating racism just so they have a purpose out there.


The following statement of objectives is found on the first page of the NAACP Constitution - the principal objectives of the Association shall be:

•To ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of all citizens See above.  Self preservation seems to be their goal...and why not?  The monetary contributions keep them all living pretty well off.

•To achieve equality of rights and eliminate race prejudice among the citizens of the United States How can we achieve equality when there are people out there that belong to this organization beeding hate and racial prejudice?

•To remove all barriers of racial discrimination through democratic processes I am not even going to comment on this one.  See anti Tea Party propaganda.

•To seek enactment and enforcement of federal, state, and local laws securing civil rights Seems like this one is being done.

•To inform the public of the adverse effects of racial discrimination and to seek its elimination You can not preach on the adverse effects when you are posting things like this on your website.  In August 2009 the state successfully passed the Racial Justice Act allows a defendant facing a capital trial or an inmate sentenced to death to use evidence showing a pattern of racial disparity as a way of challenging racial injustice in the death penalty. All this does is to allow criminals a loop-hole to get out of the crimes they commit by saying that they commited the crime only because they have been discriminated against.

•To educate persons as to their constitutional rights and to take all lawful action to secure the exercise thereof, and to take any other lawful action in furtherance of these objectives, consistent with the NAACP's Articles of Incorporation and this Constitution. Again see their "Victories page".  They are saying that the new health care deform plan forced upon the American public was ensuring that health care is a civil right.  How?  Where in the United States Constitution does it say anything about healthcare.  Just wait and see....there will be many problems that arise when this sad excuse for a law comes into full swing.  Do you think that it is a coincidence that it takes effect in 2014.....2 years after Obama's first term is over?  I don't think so.

I plan on sending a copy of this to the NAACP and see what kind of response that I get....I'll post it here.

1 comment:

  1. Ok I sent the NAACP a copy of my responses to their vision statement. I am actually anxious to see what if any response I will receive from them.
