Here lately all I hear is how the opposition to the Ground Zero Mosque, is hatred towards Muslims. How? No one is telling these fruitcakes that they can't build this place, just that they don't want it built so close to a place where so many of their friends, family, and countrymen died in a horrible, horrible attack. An attack by Muslim extremists. I don't see the problem here, and so I suppose that makes me just another hatemonger. So be it! This country was founded on religious freedom, and I firmly believe that every individual has the right to do just that. I have said it once, and I will say it again. You have the right to freedom of religion, but for the life of me I can not find where in the Constitution it says we have the Freedom of Real Estate. If I am wrong please feel free to correct me on this.
The current administration is spending your money on sending Imam Fazul and his family overseas "to bridge the US and Islam" while we sit idle, and let it happen. Why are we allowing this to happen? I am not going to sit here and post links to other sites, I want you do research those yourselves. This Imam is busy telling others that we are to blame for 9/11 due to our past terrorist actions on other countries. WHAT?!?!?! He claims that the bombing of Japan after Pearl Harbor was an act of terrorism, as well as our actions in Afghanistan and Iraq. That these wars are terrorist acts, used to further our political agenda. And this is what your president is flying all over the world on your tab.
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