In this country the "poor" are not so poor. All the time I see people in the grocery store using that EBT card to buy junk. These people have an average grocery budget of more than $500 a month. Why? It doesn't cost that much to feed a family of 4 even in this economy. I work my tail off so that I can provide for my family and keep them off of welfare. Because of this my wife has $400 a month to get all of the groceries and household items that we will need for the entire month. Yet the president wants to keep on granting these people more and more benefits. What is the incentive to work? If I were to lose my job, the government would take care of me and my family. They would provide my family medical insurance, money to pay my bills (including cable, Internet and telephone), a cell phone, keep my car in gas, food stamps, and assistance for my rent. Why do I even work? I do it because I have self respect. I feel it is my responsibility to provide for my family not the government's.
Here is my problem. The elected officials we have in office right now keep saying that to reduce benefits to welfare recipients is racist and punishes the minorities. This is not true. These people need an incentive to work, and to provide for their families. In essence if it is punishment, it is punishment for the lazy people out there that don't want to provide for their own way of life. If it is the minorities that are the only ones doing this (and it is not) then it is their own fault. The government has no business providing them a life where they get "all the nice things". The government has to "provide for the public defense, and provide for the general welfare. . . " and this does not include x-boxes, cellphones and cable TV.
This is just my take on things. Obviously I am not the only one that thinks this way. If enough of us banded together then there would be some change. The real Hope and Change the American people need and want.
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