Well we had a very nice vacation up in Pensylvania. We stayed with my wife's Aunt, went to the zoo, had a few "pick-nicks" with my father-in-law. Over all it was a great time. Now we are back to the normal routine. Back to keeping the house clean, back to work, and back to life.
While we were in PA a few things happened in the world that put a bit of fear into me. Fear for my family and our way of life. Flash mobs in Philadelphia, race beatings out west, and people rioting in London and surrounding areas. The state of the economy, the useless officials we elected into office, they are doing nothing to combat the state of unrest that we are starting to experience. It is only going to get worse. As spending on entitlements become unavailable, or reduced, and when Obama is elected out of office, the idiots that are causing all of this strife, will gather more like minded people and I predict more and more of these attacks. I think that it is time for the American population to take whatever measures necessary in order to protect themselves, their property, and their families.
The current ruler to the United States is only making this worse. By allowing those goons from the New Black Panther Party to escape justice for their terrorist acts, he has set a precedent. Now what happens? Out in the mid-west, there are groups of black males, targeting white families leaving the fair, and badly beating them. This is a hate crime. As of this moment I have not heard anything else about how they are going to handle this travesty. All I can say is that if this scenario were reversed the twin nutters Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton would be calling for someones head on a platter. This is what I want to see now. I want these radical, extremest, hate group members to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Nothing short of their long term confinement in prison will make me satisfied. The same goes for the ones doing the same thing in Philadelphia. We have got to get a handle on this as soon as possible, before our entire nation goes up in smoke.